Special Issues: The final alignment and the scope of the OAC project have been reduced because of the findings in the preliminary engineering relating to costs and environmental impacts.
Schedule: Evaluation was completed in 2004
JMEC performed various civil and structural analysis and evaluation for the preliminary engineering design for the OAC project under a subconsultant agreement with Jakes Associates. The following tasks have been performed:
Evaluated the feasibility of relocating the bicycle path located between Galbraith Golf Course and Airport Road, including development of the conceptual bicycle path route site map, identifying related constraints and issues. Evaluated potential environmental and legal issues for permanent relocation of bikepath, and impacts to future integration of the bay trail system.
Determined TEx, FAA, City of Oakland, NEPA, Caltrans and related requirements for storm drain, roadway lighting, fire hydrants, and signage.
Evaluated geotechnical potential impacts to the OAC guideway foundations immediately adjacent to golf course and wetland areas, and potential impacts due to construction setbacks and easements. Evaluated geotechnical dewatering requirement in this vicinity.
Assisted in TEx program interaction concerning ALP and MALRS system development and evaluated potential conflicts with OAC.